Christian's Inferno
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:49 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
21st Century Breakdown
Song Author
Billie Joe Armstrong
File Size
68 KB
I got un-der the grip
be-tween this mod-ern hell.
I got the re-jec-tion let-ter in the mail
and it was al-read-y ripped to shreds.
Sea-son's in a ru-in and this bit-ter pill is chased with blood.
There's fi-re in my veins and it's pour-ing out like a flood.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
This di-a-bol-ic state is grac-ing my ex-is-tence.
Like a cat-a-stroph-ic ba-by,
may-be, may-be you're the chem-i-cal re-ac-tion.
I am the at-om bomb.
I am the cho-sen one.
Tox-in your res-er-voir
and then re-turn man to ape.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.
Whoa, Chris-tian's in-fer- no.